Macquarie Dictionary


Your favourite blogs from 2018

It’s a been a huge year for 2018 and it’s only going to get bigger with our Word of the Year coming very soon.

We’ve trawled through our posts our regular themes like new words to watch and beautiful words and all the other things we’ve talked about this year, and come up with a short list of your favourite, most talked-about, most popular articles posted throughout 2018.


1. A miscellanea of beautiful terms

beautiful words from Macquarie Dictionary - petrichor - a mixture of natural oils and terpenes derived from plants in dry weather and released as aerosols by rain from dry earth

2. We’re not here to f*ck spiders (NSFW)

Macquarie Dictionary-We're not here to f*ck spiders

3. Mmm…doughnuts (or is it ‘donuts’?)

Macquarie Dictionary-old fashioneds.

4. Do you know these ‘mad as’ phrases?

Macquarie Dictionary-Mad as a cut snake-Formerly this phrase used to be just mad as a snake. The phrase like a cut snake is used describe someone or something that is in a frenzy of activity

5. Well-travelled words: 10 words from around the world

Macquarie Dictionary well travelled words hoi polloi - Greek 'oi the + polloi many

6. Seven more beautiful words from our editors

Beautiful words - embonpoint - exaggerated plumpness, stoutness

7. The effect of popular culture on language

Macquarie Dictionary-Going straight to the pool room-from the Australian film The Castle (1997).

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