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There are 1 results of your search for Continental.


A large fundraising fete or fair: I am responsible for the craft fair at the High school Continental.
Contributor's comments: [Used at] Booleroo Centre - 30 years ago.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in the South West Slopes of NSW and went to school at Temora. When I was a child the term continental was used for the fete but I haven't heard it for years. Mind you, I left there in 1977.

Contributor's comments: I have lived in Adelaide for 38 years and have never heard this word used in the context given.

Contributor's comments: [Adelaide informant] I've never heard of it!

Contributor's comments: At Trundle Central School in the 1950s we had a Continental each year as a fund raiser, it was like a fete, and I remember Dad helped run the Hoop-la stall. It was held at night.

Contributor's comments: Also heard in Newcastle.

Contributor's comments: Also heard in Murwillumbah [NSW].

Contributor's comments: Riverton High school in the mid north of S.A. would hold a yearly continental to raise funds.

Contributor's comments: Peterborough High School used to hold an annual Continental.